Friday, May 28, 2010

Wedding Day (Morning)

Today is my Big sister wedding big day.... i wake up at 5 am something to help my sister do the preparation... do this do that.... run here run there..... and its time!!! i faster go take bath and wear the cloths.... and when i was gelling my hair.... the "brides" car is here dy.... i faster rush down.....

after that.... let the photo do the most talking....

my parents putting down the 头纱 for my sister....

my sister and her "ji mui"
my sister and cousin
my sister and cousin
my sister with her make-up artist friend
my brother-in-law with his "heng dai"
cream for facial for the "brothers"

pumping for "brothers".... ewww.... 18PL/18SG/18SX

crash in to the room dy...
wooo.... so romantic

forgot wat they eating dy.....


normal small cup...
big cup....
big bowl....
Brother and sister......

at my brother-in-law house.....
good... bite her!!!

alright... after that... we 3 brother... go home rest awhile.... then off we go to fetch my sister and go to the restaurant where the dinner will be having later to do the deco..... and get ready....