Alright... Here are some of the photo that i taken on that night...
The 2 main character.....
another section of "geng cha"
the signature booklet....
The Photo......
My big bro, second bro, and cousin
my sister best friend.....
my sister nephew....
the couple..... main character of the night..... Mr Alex Lee and my sister
entrance ceremony.... XD
in the bride's make-up room
The 3 flower messenger
Cutting Cake....
=.=" so high dy...... 敬酒.....
lol.... a little girl come and 敬酒 to my sister
my sister's friend....
all of them.....
my relatives...... (father side)
Mother side Relatives....
Alright.... its really a tiring day..... after all thing pack up, we go home..... seperate in 3 cars.... i follow my second bro car.... don know he drunk dy or wat... when we reach the gate that need to put in the ticket to get out of the place.... we realize that the ticket are gone.... we then go back up and look for it.... and found it at the place where the car are parked..... and when nearly reach home.. my bro then again say that his ring is gone.... he just bought it 1 day ago.... and the truth is he din wear it when he leave the house going to the restaurant....
alright... i stop here.... i want go ngoik ngoik dy.....
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