Saturday, May 22, 2010

Project Alpha Ole KO Match (S1 & S2) / Adidas Roadshow Day 3

Today, i went to Mid Valley to pickup Jay Chou new album that i pre-ordered 1 month ago.... after that i go to center court to wait for the Ole KO match of Project alpha S1 & S2 bloggers.....

My main purpose going there is to support Niki Cheong.... as i mention in my previous post for the Project Alpha Weekly Instant Cash blogging.... read here

Match between Niki Cheong and Shaolin Tiger

Red Mummy vs Azwan Ali

Niki Cheong vs Jojo Struys

the videographer/camera man of Nuffnang/Project Alpha

Event going on....

Before the game starts.... (KY,Shaolintiger,Cheesie,Jojo Struys & Ninie)

Group Photo of the Bloggers of Project Alpha Season 1 & 2

KY & 2 leng lui's

Here comes Shaolin Tiger & Kimberlycun
Nii Cheong & KY Speaks

RedMummy & Cheesie

2 bloggers playing there

Lucky that i able to take photo with Niki Cheong...

Alright, i stop here.... coz i got lots of post to blog about.... just not sure when will it be up... maybe today or maybe tomorrow. just stay tune.... XD

O.O Oops... its already 22 may dy ah.... alright, remark here... this post is talking about the event on 21 may.....