Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sing K Section with Brothers, Sister, and Brother-in-law

Had a Sing K section with brothers, sister, and brother-in-law at Red Box IOI Mall Puchong....

My sister sms me at the morning to ask whether wanna go sing k or not... then i ask her to ask my big bro.... since i lazy to go by mysef 1 person....

On 3 pm smth... my big bro came home and fetch us go together....

alright.... let the picture take over the talk....

Although stand on the sofa, still short....

taken by my brother-in-law
act cute geh girl.... (already married still act cute) =.=

The newly wedd. sweet couple.....

at 7.30 smth... my sis and her husband leave first.... and we 3 continue sing till 8 pm.....

alright thats all for the sing k section.... there will be more post coming up.... please stay sticked to my blog....