Sunday, May 30, 2010

云来苦瓜汤 @ Bandar Puteri Puchong

After finish sing k at red box ioi mall, me and my brothers..... we go home to rest while waiting my parents came home to go and have dinner together....

After reach home.... in 5 minutes... my dad call my big brother and ask us wanna eat 苦瓜汤 or not..... if want go meet them at their shop... then me and my big bro go to their shop again.... It's at puchong!!!

招牌炸肉 - this 1 is quite nice... although we did not order it....

招牌苦瓜汤 - this 1 very nice.... it is more good compare to the 1 i try last time with my parents at the other shop that near this restaurant...

焖花腩 - This is is very nice... Yummy..... the fat and the meat is equal... wont be too fat or too thin....

清炒苋菜 - Normal..... but good in technique of cook... can feel the taste of wine and "火候"

姜茸蒸鱼 - like normal steam fish..... nothing special about this fish....

This place is same row with the Restoran Fu Gua Thong 天天来苦瓜汤 i post about previously....

you can read about it here.

After Dinner, we than go home.... feel the fullness in my tummy....

Sing K Section with Brothers, Sister, and Brother-in-law

Had a Sing K section with brothers, sister, and brother-in-law at Red Box IOI Mall Puchong....

My sister sms me at the morning to ask whether wanna go sing k or not... then i ask her to ask my big bro.... since i lazy to go by mysef 1 person....

On 3 pm smth... my big bro came home and fetch us go together....

alright.... let the picture take over the talk....

Although stand on the sofa, still short....

taken by my brother-in-law
act cute geh girl.... (already married still act cute) =.=

The newly wedd. sweet couple.....

at 7.30 smth... my sis and her husband leave first.... and we 3 continue sing till 8 pm.....

alright thats all for the sing k section.... there will be more post coming up.... please stay sticked to my blog....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Formosa Restaurant @ SS2

Ms. Jeanie, the "front desk" aka captain.....Her friendly and generous reception truly amazed me, where her enthusiasm, affection and kindness toward her patrons can actually be felt greatly! So knowledgeable, so capable. Ms. Jeanie's husband, is the chef and the owner of this genuine restaurant.

For those who don't have the idea, she's actually the lady fronting the New Formosa Restaurant. With growing ideas and thoughts of the Taiwanese dishes of undisputed origin, their variety of dishes made available has become less preserved! From traditional home-styled dishes extending to steamboats, stone-fire pot and even a gourmet meal!

(Ying Yang Duck) Opps, i forgot about its real name dy.... but overall, this dish is very nice... its also 1 of the must try dish....

Special Silky Bean Curd with Shredded Black Wood Ears, Shredded Pork with Salted Fish. A preparatory drawing Chris's vote. Silky soft tofu with the correct amount of tasty ingredients. Delicious gravy pouring over this serving of healthy food rocked our palate.

Bamboo Rice. This dish fits my taste bud, i can assure you that this rice can fits most people taste buds also.... 1 word... YUMMY~~

Taiwanese Hakka Pineapple Intestine. This authentic dish also managed to captivate our palate's attention as they just taste right. The pork intestines were cleaned thoroughly to eliminate the unpleasant odour. The combination of the gravy also match flawlessly.

Sesame Prawns. My favourite! Fresh jumping prawns being deep fried with a generous coating of sesame seeds. So crispy on the outside yet generating the light and confident prawn texture! Not to forget the aroma generated and the plum sauce for dipping.. Yummy!!

Sizzling Salmon with Taiwanese Salted Cabbage! Guess everyone just loved it. We walloped this just after a moment. *after photo shooting* LoL. ;P This salmon dish was a nourishing one! The distinctive smell exerted was able to clear my thoughts ;D

Taiwanese Special Red Mee Sua Broth was another special one! The typical mee sua that we had we most of the time will be cooked with oysters right? The servings we had was otherwise different as instead of oysters, Bonito (katsuo) fish was used as a substitution. This made the soup/gravy base enriched with bonito fish's essence! Oysters were not used as consuming them in long-term will generate potential risks for high cholesterol. Being health conscious, New Formosa is always thinking what's best for their customers. Other ingredients include shrimps, shredded pork, carrot, chinese mushrooms and chinese cabbage.

Yam Gingko Pudding (known as O-Ni) which was served piping hot! A preparation of mashed yam topped with gingko bulbs. We were dazzled with its soft texture and yielding smoothness. Once being popped into our mouth, we felt dependency on it.

There were also a variety servings of Puddings! From Green Tea Aloe Vera, Mango, Custard Caramel to Honey Herbal. These are the puddings equipped with likeable flavours that help ensure a robust health after consumption!

Formosa Special Sweet Yam, we find this new and special indeed. Caramelized with malt sugar and sesame seeds that gave the irresistible crunchiness, these sweet characteristics matched flawlessly with the hot yam.

New Formosa Restaurant
46, Jalan SS2/24,

47300 Petaling Jaya,

Selangor D.E.

Tel: 03-7875 1894 / 019-3353 274


Business Hours:
Opens daily: 12pm-2.30pm / 6pm-11pm

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wedding Day (Night)

This is the continue of the post about my sister wedding day... if you havent read it, you can read it here...

Alright... Here are some of the photo that i taken on that night...

The 2 main character.....

another section of "geng cha"
the Wedding photo album.... make by the studio....

the signature booklet....

The Photo......

My big bro, second bro, and cousin

my sister best friend.....

my sister nephew....

the couple..... main character of the night..... Mr Alex Lee and my sister

entrance ceremony.... XD

in the bride's make-up room

The 3 flower messenger

Cutting Cake....

=.=" so high dy...... 敬酒.....

lol.... a little girl come and 敬酒 to my sister

my sister's friend....

all of them.....

my relatives...... (father side)

Mother side Relatives....

Alright.... its really a tiring day..... after all thing pack up, we go home..... seperate in 3 cars.... i follow my second bro car.... don know he drunk dy or wat... when we reach the gate that need to put in the ticket to get out of the place.... we realize that the ticket are gone.... we then go back up and look for it.... and found it at the place where the car are parked..... and when nearly reach home.. my bro then again say that his ring is gone.... he just bought it 1 day ago.... and the truth is he din wear it when he leave the house going to the restaurant....

alright... i stop here.... i want go ngoik ngoik dy.....