1st problem- Space problem faced on my Canon Crumpler 5 Million Dollar Home.... bcoz now in my bag already got a camera with the 18-55 IS kit lens and a Battery Grip attached, a flash gun, and a 50 f/1.8....
the gear i wanted to buy....
Canon EF-S 55-250 f/4-5.6 IS lens

Bcoz of the 1st problem that face... i need to get a new bag... and the overall great bag that i discover quite good that intro by eugene, a pro i know on facebook...
Lowepro SlingShot 200 AW Camera Bag

Here comes the 2nd problem - Since my gear family is adding up and getting bigger... i need a dry box that needed for keeping all the gear maintain its rH on a standard rate that will protect the gear from growing fungus..... i already started using Silica Gel long ago... but its not working much and it would be a big burden on keep on changing the silica gel... and i found that this dry box is quite good...
AIPO Digital Series AP-38EX Dry Cabinet (38L)

Here comes the 3rd problem... also the main problem..... that is budget problem aka money ($$) problem...... bcoz i only afford to have about 1k..... and the price of the 3 thing is as following~~
Drybox - RM410++
Bag - RM370
Lens - RM1000!!
im die leh...... all together i need 2k....
Here is a small plan i thought out..... i can try to put the 55-250 (if i buy it) on the place where i put the 5omm lens (put above it).... aka squeze all in the bag...
then, try to modified a bookshelf and add in a bulb that produce heat.... with a hygrometer in it.... and also sme silica gel.... with this i can just use 1k and solve all the 3 problem..... XP
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