Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Gear added into my Camera Bag

Went to MV to buy my battery grip yesterday, since my big sis say wanna buy me a present... so i choose this grip for my Eos 1000D DSLR. it come with both AA battery magazine tray and a Magazine tray for 2 LP-E5 battery. i put it on straightly after buying at the canon shop.

Alright... after buying this grip.. i need to makan bread for months dy.... need to save up money again for me to buy a EFS 55-250mm 4-5.6 IS Lens....

Anyway, i want to say thanks to my sis who pay for me for my grip.... my camera look pro now... XD

alright.. time to go take a nap... din't sleep well last night..... ZzZzZz