Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Boring yet moody day...

Went to my parents shop to help out yesterday, bcoz my bro want to go his uni there buy book and need big amount of $$, so my mom going with him while i jaga at her shop.

the most angry thing is, they know i gonna go help out... they shud had bought me lunch.... i reach there, and they say din buy woh... go eat urself outside bah.... fine, when i see the time is just 2 pm.. i thinking to order mcD lunch set promo... and here comes a old aunty! thats cause me to serve her for 1.5 hour, and causing me no mcd lunch.... lucky she got buy, if not, i gonna curse her dy...

alright, after serve the auntie, i fast fast go out to the KFC near the shop to buy my lunch, i just take the snack plate, since i already not really have the appetite to eat dy... i try their new flavour, that is black pepper... now they got black pepper and original only... no more spicy... T^T

after lunch, i look after the shop awhile bcoz my dad wanna take a nap... after that, my mom came back.. so i follow my bro go home... on the way home, my bro talk on a phone... and get caught by police, pay them 30, bcoz the saman is RM 300.... pity my wallet... coz my bro no small money...

after that we go home and i start to prepare for the steamboat for night, i wash the chicken, the dry prawn for cooking the soup....


my parents back... my mom prepare the other thing for steamboat, while my dad prepare the meat...

we open a sparkling juice, a white wine, and a red wine... i half drunken.... >.<>.<

alright, thats all for today. stay tune for more... XD

Saturday, June 26, 2010

on a junction of 3 road...

Alright... after i have the feeling wanting to enlarge my Camera gear by buying a gear and adding it into the family.... i facing few problem....

1st problem- Space problem faced on my Canon Crumpler 5 Million Dollar Home.... bcoz now in my bag already got a camera with the 18-55 IS kit lens and a Battery Grip attached, a flash gun, and a 50 f/1.8....

the gear i wanted to buy....

Canon EF-S 55-250 f/4-5.6 IS lens

Bcoz of the 1st problem that face... i need to get a new bag... and the overall great bag that i discover quite good that intro by eugene, a pro i know on facebook...

Lowepro SlingShot 200 AW Camera Bag
Here comes the 2nd problem - Since my gear family is adding up and getting bigger... i need a dry box that needed for keeping all the gear maintain its rH on a standard rate that will protect the gear from growing fungus..... i already started using Silica Gel long ago... but its not working much and it would be a big burden on keep on changing the silica gel... and i found that this dry box is quite good...

AIPO Digital Series AP-38EX Dry Cabinet (38L)

Here comes the 3rd problem... also the main problem..... that is budget problem aka money ($$) problem...... bcoz i only afford to have about 1k..... and the price of the 3 thing is as following~~

Drybox - RM410++
Bag - RM370
Lens - RM1000!!

im die leh...... all together i need 2k....

Here is a small plan i thought out..... i can try to put the 55-250 (if i buy it) on the place where i put the 5omm lens (put above it).... aka squeze all in the bag...
then, try to modified a bookshelf and add in a bulb that produce heat.... with a hygrometer in it.... and also sme silica gel.... with this i can just use 1k and solve all the 3 problem..... XP

Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Gear added into my Camera Bag

Went to MV to buy my battery grip yesterday, since my big sis say wanna buy me a present... so i choose this grip for my Eos 1000D DSLR. it come with both AA battery magazine tray and a Magazine tray for 2 LP-E5 battery. i put it on straightly after buying at the canon shop.

Alright... after buying this grip.. i need to makan bread for months dy.... need to save up money again for me to buy a EFS 55-250mm 4-5.6 IS Lens....

Anyway, i want to say thanks to my sis who pay for me for my grip.... my camera look pro now... XD

alright.. time to go take a nap... din't sleep well last night..... ZzZzZz

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Water Moments

About my latest water moments.... it would be going to the beach side at perth when me and my family going to perth on Chinese New Year to visit my Big Brother who are PR there....

this picture was taken using my sister fujifilm camera.... the effect was not really good.... and also after the trip of perth.... when we back to malaysia, the camera start to having problem with zooming..... maybe is because of the camera fall on wet sand on the beach....

I would really wish to have a camera like Sony DSC-TX5 that are proof on many thing that a normal digital camera cannot proof nowadays......

Alright, lets have a brief look into Sony new TX5 camera....

Together with the "Exmor R" CMOS sensor, BIONZ imaging processor, and Carl Zeiss® Lens, the Cyber-shot TX5 opens up a world of photographic possibilities.

The compact Cyber-shot TX5 is built to be water-, shock-, dust- and temperature-proof! With features like Intelligent Sweep Panorama, Handheld Twilight and Anti-motion blur, TX5 give you the photographic power to shoot in style whenever, wherever

TX5 also able to take continuous photo shooting in 10fps (10 frame per second)

thats really a "wow" camera of sony.... i really wish that i could be 1 of the lucky 1 who get the camera....

Saturday, June 5, 2010




氣壯 地跟他說:



你用不完的洗臉奶,面膜,洗頭水,潤膚露和沐浴液都可以塞給 他用,那你就可以買過一些新的。


你吃不完的菜,他幫你吃。不好吃的,他也幫你吃。那麼,你就 可以只吃最好吃的和最喜歡吃的那些。


當你的好朋友問你:「你這件大衣好漂亮啊!買了多少錢?要不 要3000塊?」

你會立即翻翻眼皮說:「你想得美!3000怎麼行?半價也要 5000啊!」




當你問他:「我肥不肥?」,他回答說:「肥!你很肥!」,你 就知道你不肥。


當你失意,當你沮喪,當你對自己感到失望的時候,你只想他在 身邊。他的一個擁抱,勝過千言萬語。

老公是:白天裡,你看到蟑螂,老鼠或任何可怕的小東西都可 以大聲喊他。

但是,半夜裡,當你肚子痛得死去活來,你卻會拚命忍受著,捨 不得吵醒他。


有時候,你望著他,會想想自己到底交上什麼好運,會遇上他, 會有他這麼愛你。不過,只是「有時候」,其他時候,尤其是生 氣和吵架的時候,你會忘了。


快樂或傷心的時候,有事沒事,你都擁有把自己整個人強橫地貼 到他身上去的特權。

老公是:你愛他比任何人要多,你有時候卻又好像恨他比任何 人都要多。


Thursday, June 3, 2010

興记肉骨茶 @ Manjalara

Went for brunch with family today at Manjalara...... the shop is introduced by my big brother.....
we reach there about 12 pm something....

We ordered many things..... alright, lets let the photo do the talking......


肉骨茶 this bak kut teh is quite nice compare to those i ate before that near my house....

干肉骨茶 this 1 quite nice..... i like it....

油菜 ... we order 3 plates.... since its quantity for large is not really much.... nad my family all are "vege king"

After finish..... we pay and ready to go home.... before leaving that area... we stop by at petrol station to refill petrol.....