Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Road Trip with My Broadband

This tittle had remind me back of the time i going for a holiday trip with my college society friend to Cameron Highland & Bukit Tinggi (1 week trip with going 2 place), since we are from an IT college, we all bring our laptop for the trip... For my friends they are using it to Facebook, Facebook, and Facebook..... For me, i bring my laptop wherever i go for a trip... since my "laptop" is a 10" Netbook. my this netbook will follow me wherever i go since its always put together in my Camera Bag.... CameraBag?! Yes, you guess it right, i am a DSLR obsessor. so my camera got a space for a laptop. Alright, back to topic... I still remember that time many of my friend they forgot to bring their modem (M,D provider).... so at the time we decide to go to starbucks to online and can also have some coffee. 1 of my friend actually bring a P1Wiggy, yup! you guess it right, its the mobile modem of P1WiMax....

Yes!! its Wiggy by P1Wimax...

It is Tiny, small enough and have a cool casing for keeping it, and its convenient as you can just put into your pocket and on the go....

It is Tiny, let you always ready and on the go.

It is Tiny, you can just throw it into your camera bag and on your way.(for photographer and camera obsessor)

It is Tiny, but with a "Wow!! >.<" speed that you cannot imagine it...

And with the new Prepaid style introduce by P1, users can just "Pay When Use" just like our mobile phone. its really cool!!!

But for me, i would prefer the normal postpaid style, since im a "24/7" online person.

New episodes of Project Alpha Season 2! XD
Niki Cheong, the first featured top blogger visited by Jojo Struys in Project Alpha season 2... he's cool, he's handsome, i really wish that i can be like him someday. Wanna know more about him? Continue watching Project Alpha. Oh, I just remember one thing, Cheong Peck Beng Niki's Cheong's chinese name? Follow Project Alpha and you will know.... XD

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS