Thursday, April 29, 2010

Breakfast at kuchai entrepreneurs park with family

Alright, Today is the off day of my parents..... they off every thursday.... since i in my buffer week before my final exam that is on next monday (3/5)... i went for breakfast together with my parents at a pan mee show at kuchai entrepreneurs park.... the name of the show is call Jojo Pan Mee.... my sis intro this shop....

on the way there, my brain keep on saying... "ready to be disappointed again".... Bcoz.... my sis taste bud are so "censored" bad... wtfh =.="'

This photo i was taken when i waiting for my noodle to be serve...

The Drink that i Ordered, the "Honey Sea Coconut"
The noodle i ordered are "traditional pan mee (Dry)" - Sry that i forgot to take photo before i eat.... bcoz im damn hungry...

After we finished, my mom ask me how was the noodle.... i say ok loh... "for truth, i wont gif marks for food... since im not a super famous food blogger." XD and also for truth, i really disappointed... coz my sis wont intro any good things.... that is why my mom ask me why i keep on add in dry chili flakes into the noodle..... its not bcoz i like spicy.... its bcoz i cant feel any taste in the noodle... XD

p/s: the comment above is my personnal oppinion.... so, there is different view based on different people....since we have different taste bud.... XD