on the way there, my brain keep on saying... "ready to be disappointed again".... Bcoz.... my sis taste bud are so "censored" bad... wtfh =.="'
This photo i was taken when i waiting for my noodle to be serve...
After we finished, my mom ask me how was the noodle.... i say ok loh... "for truth, i wont gif marks for food... since im not a super famous food blogger." XD and also for truth, i really disappointed... coz my sis wont intro any good things.... that is why my mom ask me why i keep on add in dry chili flakes into the noodle..... its not bcoz i like spicy.... its bcoz i cant feel any taste in the noodle... XD
p/s: the comment above is my personnal oppinion.... so, there is different view based on different people....since we have different taste bud.... XD
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