Thursday, April 29, 2010

Korean BBQ Dinner with Family at Taman Desa

alright, this is actually continue version of my day (today) u sure curious why i post soo many thing today.... its bcoz im on a 1 week buffer week, not at college, so i can blog!! and also i lazy to edit my post on the morning.. so, just start a new post.... XD

alright, back to topic... i have my dinner with my family tonight, at a korean bbq restaurant at taman desa. after back from MV.... go there to get my camera lens and buy a few long sleeve shirt....

Alright, about the food there, its good, din't make me dissapointed.... so, i let the picture do the talking....

1 of the dish... "Seafood Pan cake"

Vegetable Steamboat with Pork

side dishes

steam egg (1 of the side dishes)

Side Dishes

"Popular" Bbq Beef

When we nearly finish the food, i start to feelling very full... but i eat very little compare to my normally food consume... after we finish the food, they serve us ginger tea (Cold)....

overall, im happy with the meal... although the air ventilation there is abit bad... "very hot" XD

ok.. thats all for the dinner post... XD

New Gear Added into my bag

Get my new lens today at MV Canon Concept Store.....
At Last..... EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens...

Had a few test shot with its lowest Aperture 1.8.... the quality is quite good....

will use it to shoot the installation ceremony on next wednesday that will be happen at my college..

Breakfast at kuchai entrepreneurs park with family

Alright, Today is the off day of my parents..... they off every thursday.... since i in my buffer week before my final exam that is on next monday (3/5)... i went for breakfast together with my parents at a pan mee show at kuchai entrepreneurs park.... the name of the show is call Jojo Pan Mee.... my sis intro this shop....

on the way there, my brain keep on saying... "ready to be disappointed again".... Bcoz.... my sis taste bud are so "censored" bad... wtfh =.="'

This photo i was taken when i waiting for my noodle to be serve...

The Drink that i Ordered, the "Honey Sea Coconut"
The noodle i ordered are "traditional pan mee (Dry)" - Sry that i forgot to take photo before i eat.... bcoz im damn hungry...

After we finished, my mom ask me how was the noodle.... i say ok loh... "for truth, i wont gif marks for food... since im not a super famous food blogger." XD and also for truth, i really disappointed... coz my sis wont intro any good things.... that is why my mom ask me why i keep on add in dry chili flakes into the noodle..... its not bcoz i like spicy.... its bcoz i cant feel any taste in the noodle... XD

p/s: the comment above is my personnal oppinion.... so, there is different view based on different people....since we have different taste bud.... XD

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Road Trip with My Broadband

This tittle had remind me back of the time i going for a holiday trip with my college society friend to Cameron Highland & Bukit Tinggi (1 week trip with going 2 place), since we are from an IT college, we all bring our laptop for the trip... For my friends they are using it to Facebook, Facebook, and Facebook..... For me, i bring my laptop wherever i go for a trip... since my "laptop" is a 10" Netbook. my this netbook will follow me wherever i go since its always put together in my Camera Bag.... CameraBag?! Yes, you guess it right, i am a DSLR obsessor. so my camera got a space for a laptop. Alright, back to topic... I still remember that time many of my friend they forgot to bring their modem (M,D provider).... so at the time we decide to go to starbucks to online and can also have some coffee. 1 of my friend actually bring a P1Wiggy, yup! you guess it right, its the mobile modem of P1WiMax....

Yes!! its Wiggy by P1Wimax...

It is Tiny, small enough and have a cool casing for keeping it, and its convenient as you can just put into your pocket and on the go....

It is Tiny, let you always ready and on the go.

It is Tiny, you can just throw it into your camera bag and on your way.(for photographer and camera obsessor)

It is Tiny, but with a "Wow!! >.<" speed that you cannot imagine it...

And with the new Prepaid style introduce by P1, users can just "Pay When Use" just like our mobile phone. its really cool!!!

But for me, i would prefer the normal postpaid style, since im a "24/7" online person.

New episodes of Project Alpha Season 2! XD
Niki Cheong, the first featured top blogger visited by Jojo Struys in Project Alpha season 2... he's cool, he's handsome, i really wish that i can be like him someday. Wanna know more about him? Continue watching Project Alpha. Oh, I just remember one thing, Cheong Peck Beng Niki's Cheong's chinese name? Follow Project Alpha and you will know.... XD

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS

Tuesday, April 27, 2010








Sunday, April 25, 2010

My pissed off yet funny day....

Hi, and i need to say sorry to all the readers that always support me.... (although most are my friends and classmates) that i have abandon my blog for like 2~3 days? lol... i also forgot dy lu...

alright, nothing much today also.... i went to Canon concept shop at MV (Mid Valley) today, bring along my camera.... when first i was planning to go shoot some photo for my friend... and at last minutes.... she ffk (din come without telling) me.... so i go to canon shop to try out some lens....

I takes almost 1 hour ++ in the shop... playing with all their lens.... asking price.... (got show at the cabinet there but i just feel like asking for fun).... at starting... the salesman is like very impatient and ask me a very rude question.... "you wanna buy lenses or not geh, if don want, please don waste time here" i was like really feeling wanted to "censored" that person gao gao.... after that, another person approach and say sorry to me and ask me to see slowly... he call that salesman to 1 side... i heard he scolding that person.... XD and he come back to serve me(the nice guy) this nice guy is really patient and he explain many things to me.... he also got give me comment and opinion on which lens should i get first and follow on.... there is a lens its photo quality is so good(sure good lo..... 13k++ for the lens wo)....

Finally i finish testing all the lens... i tell the guy i make a call first to get my parents permission on buying lens... i walk out the shop to call my parents... and when i waiting my dad to answer my call.. i heard the "rude person" says "know dy lah.... know he(me) wont buy anything ge lah.." and after get my dad permission... i go back the shop to buy 2 lens.... but unluckilly.... both the 2 lens i wanted to buy is out of stock.... so i ask them to order for me and i pay abit deposit first.... the lens i ordered are EF 50mm f/1.8 II (standard & medium telephoto) and a EF 75 - 300mm f/4-5.6 III USM (telephoto).... and i saw the look of that person..... i really want to laugh that time.... really wish that my lens reach quickly... cant wait to play with my new lens and ask friends to be model and out for photo shooting. >.<

And last but not least.... i want to say thanks to my parents who give support to me in my DSLR interest that starts on last year december... without pouring cold water on me.... XP

alright.. thats all... will try and update tomorow also....


Friday, April 23, 2010

《雁邱词》 元好问









Wednesday, April 21, 2010



不 想妳死我前头!
我不允许妳熬夜,理由和第二条一样,身体是革命的本钱,我不 想妳死我前头!
我不允许妳哭,因为有我在妳还哭的话,就证明我没用,那还要 我干什么?!
我不允许妳干体力活,有我在妳凭什么那么累,乖乖的给我擦 汗,倒水喝!
我不允许妳比我睡的晚,我是属猫头鹰的,但我可不想第二天有 一个‘熊猫眼’的GF!
我不允许妳起的比我早,别废话,让妳睡妳就睡,睡饱了好起来 吃我做的早餐!
我不允许妳单独一个人走夜路,因为有我在我永远不会让妳一个 人走!
我不允许妳吃醋,开玩笑,我那么专一,我如果在妳面前多看别 的女生一眼,我把自己剁了!
我不允许妳说脏话,没为什么,只是个人意见,会影响妳的形象 的,妳自己看着办吧!
我不允许妳削苹果,我怕血,所以我不会让妳的血有流出来的可 能!
我不允许妳把手弄伤,一个女生最漂亮的除了脸蛋就是手了,妳 要爱护啊!
我不允许妳不信任我,我对妳承诺的话,说过的话,答应妳的一 切我都会做到!
我不允许妳不理我,妳在我心中是那么重要,没有妳我会很不自 在,不要折磨我好吗?
我不允许妳和我斗嘴,我让着妳妳才能赢,到现在和女生打嘴架 除了我让着的,要不没有能赢我的!
我不允许妳孤单,我的爱和思念会时刻陪在妳左右,有它们陪 妳,妳不会感到孤单!
我不允许妳下雨不打伞,虽然女人是水做的,但淋湿了会感冒, 我会心疼!
我不允许妳生气,有我在妳会很开心的,哪怕是天塌了,我也要 先把妳逗笑!
我不允许妳不听话,妳如果问我为什么强行抱妳去医院的话,我 只回答一句话:"因为妳是我的!"
我不允许妳"逃离"我身边,我跑50米的最好成绩是6.6 秒,非变态的女生应该跑不过我……妳不是吧!

我不允许妳大声的跟我喊,省省吧,嗓子不痛吗?喊坏了我还心 疼呢!
我不允许妳独自过马路,现在的司机很猛的,我要牵着妳的手, 把妳平安的送到对面!
我不允许妳懦弱,妳要非常强悍,我这么不听话,妳要管得住我 哦!
我不允许妳斤斤计较,做女人要看的开,心胸广阔才能快乐,听 话哦!
我不允许妳是最快乐的,因为拥有妳,我已经是世上最快乐的 了,所以妳只能排第二了!
我不允许妳不说话,宝贝,我们也需要交流,就算是我单方面的 赔礼道歉妳也应该给点面子说声:“原谅你吧!”
我不允许妳要风度不要温度,多穿点吧,天冷会感冒的,不管妳 穿的怎么样,妳在我眼里都是最美的!
我不允许妳减肥,我的爱跟妳的体重没关系,妳要坚信无论妳变 成什么样,我都爱妳!

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Gear for my Camera

Get my external flash for my camera today.... thanks to my fren.... i get it for good price....(more cheap than low yat people can offer me..... its a Nissin Di622.... play with it for an hour... and when i putting it into bag.. i realize that the bag is too small for it.. need to buy a new camera bag for my gear.. since i plan to buy extra lens in the future.... any recommendation?

heard that the canon eos crumpler 5 million dollar home are good and able to put many gear inside.

alright... here is my flash...

will try and use it at pc fair.... and thse upcoming events in college...


有一天,幸福遇见了遗憾,幸福对遗憾说:“为什么世界上要出现你呢?如果没有你,世界就很美好了?”遗憾对幸福说:“如果没有我,世上的人就不会珍惜你 了,没有遗憾,谁还会憧憬幸福呢?”幸福听了以后觉得遗憾的话很有道理,结果就和遗憾成了形影不离的好朋友..所以人们在幸福后总是有遗憾,遗憾时总怀念 着幸福~


我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
我的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
曾為他 相信明天就是未來
情節有多壞 都不肯醒來

我愛他 跌跌撞撞到絕望
我的心 深深傷過卻不會忘
我和他 不再屬於這個地方
最初的天堂 最終的荒唐

宝贝,我可以为了妳而付出一切!!! 我爱妳一生一世~~

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dating and Movie marathon with dear

Go to college early morning today to meet up with my dear (with my stomach empty), then we go for movie at mv.... as planned 1 week ago. at first, we plan to watch How To Train Your Dragon 3D(HTTYD) and Daybreaker. but end up watching beauty on duty and HTTYD 3D. coz daybreaker down from scene... damn....

when we reach there, i bring her go lenovo shop to let her dealt with her laptop problem while i run up to the cinema to buy ticket (actually i booked both the ticket) but bcoz we wanted to get the student price, so we decided to buy at counter..... and luckilly i met my friend that working there, he get me those ticket with student price... (coz i forgot to bring my student card) XD

after i bought the ticket, i go back to the shop to find her... after she finish her laptop business, we go for a walk..... walk around.... she look for her new shoe... and finally i bought a bag before we go for the 12 pm HTTYD 3D. after movie, we go for mcD coz left 20 min before the next show starts...

on 2pm we rush in the cinema for the second movie (beauty on duty), when we go in, the show is started already. the movie is quite funny. we laugh throughout the whole show.

after the movie, we continue our walking around... and finally dear bought a shoe.... (Dear, im sorry that i cannot pay for your shoe, coz my salary not out yet, and i bankrap for the whole month). quite beautiful.....

and lastly we decided to go home, coz its start to dark outside, i feel happy bcoz dear happy today, and this is the first time we date on a holiday that no class barrier that causing us rush back college.

Last but not least, Dear, I Love You, Muacks....

Monday, April 5, 2010

“I’m Going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair”

The men's product, Gatsby will be having a street fair name "Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair"!! How awesome is that...

Excited and wanted to go so badly? Here's the information of the Street Fair.

Date: 17th April 2010
Time: 10am till 5pm
Venue: Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.

  • A fun and exciting time at the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair for TWO (2). Yes, you get to bring a friend along to have fun at the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair!
  • Gatsby goody bags!
  • Lots of Gatsby products to redeem from Gatsby points won from game booths!
  • Lucky draw prizes at the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair – RM15,000 worth of gadgets, electronics, mobile phones and vouchers to be given out in 2 rounds of lucky draw
For more Information, click here
and.. and... remeber to view the gatsby site games.... you will sure love it!!!