This is the first time i ever wish for a Christmas Present, since the last time i ask for 1 from my mom when i was at standard 1 aka 7 years old..... time flies lah....
when i ask my mom whether i can own a DSLR, she ask me what brand is it, what model, and how much? then i tell her is Canon Eos 1000D/Rebel Xs, a entry level DSLR, cost almost RM 1900 ~ 2120. her face changed and the only thing she said is "Cannot!!".
Swt la, if she want to say cannot, just say it early la.....
After that, she ask me why buy those expensive camera, use sister 1 la, aiyo, my sister so kiamsiap sure wont borrow 1 la, and mom!, u shud know that i always like to shooting around, a normal auto camera cannot feed my photoshooting hunger. i need and DSLR to shoot those photos that can feed my hunger of photo beauty!!!!
lmao, it year end now, and this is the only wishes i wish for my christmas after my standard 1, its 12 years already since u last time buy me a puzzle. why bro ask for ps, laptop, u sure say ok to him? his study no need some much pc aid. those thing total together is already can buy 3 of the camera i ask for!!!!!! this is so unfair, sometimes i really think is it that i really your son, why u only care about him and doesnt care about my feeling. or u only look up on those account professional and look down on my kind of IT professional. I want to tell u, if without we IT professional, u now still need paper and pen to do all the work, if without IT u now still using drawing to get picture!!!! we IT professional is very important for human technology!!!!!
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