Here comes the last day of 2009, and we need to say goodbye to year 2009 and say welcome and hello to year 2010.
365days that i've been through.. like just a flip of eye and like a dream, countless of happy and sad thing, countless of happy and sad moments, countless of happy and sad memories .. =.= (blur zor)
I still rmb some of my friend say my attitude like the syaoran in an anime, i started and din't change the link before, bcoz this is Syaoran with all his all the memories that Syaoran have been through the year. So that when the days past I can refer back to those post and recall my happens that in my life. (short-term memory lost are not cool at all) T.T
In the beginning of 2oo9, actually is since after my SPM, I started my job in my life. Working for my dad. During that time, i've learnt many things like how to earn your own money, how to handle diff kind of people in the world, how to communicate with many diff kind & diff culture of people and many more ..
On march, i went back to my school to receive my spm result and keep Going around to ask friends' result. wait for form 5 bm teacher to finish her class and go out to "yum cha" together
And also my best friend for form 4 and 5, after spm result, he is the only one i keep in touch, we go to the edu fair at mid valley, see around. peeking around to see beauties.
March 23 2oo9, my first day of college in APIIT/UCTI. I was all alone sitting in the student service until the staff bring me up to audi, and i saw my school friend, ka wai. he is the only 1 i know there then slowly the next day and the days goes by.. im in the T1, knowing the group of people.. joined arc at the same day of ice breaking. after joined arc, we went for lunch together, we gone crazy for the event preparation(like stay back at college and work until 5am). During the sem2, i've become the security for MCN night & and be both usherer and PR ppl that chat with ppl around the bar in AYG night.. Go back to college in holiday to help packing the goodies bag for the edu fair, doing fileling, data entry, and prepare greeting cards.
Not forget during the crazy moment in college, i've joined student service as a Student Helper, i've also organize the merdeka events in college with christopher and help like crazy ppl in event like MCN, AYG, Biz Buzz Week ..
And also i first time whack by my dad since i still in primary, bcoz of my careless word that shout to my dad. (bcoz that time im really in an angry and bad mood)
Ask for a 1000D from my parents and they say no to me, and thx to my big sister that most sayang me, and also his photography friend for buying me the camera, my wish of this year christmas really came true at last ..... XD
Here comes to the end of the year ..
atleast, im not gonna feel regret for everything throught out the year.. if i was wrong before that, say good bye to it and start a new me with good attitude...
I also bought many things in the year, Full Set of Twilight Saga Hard Cover, my laptop bcoz of study needs, shirt & slack & shoes & blazer for study purpose also, not forget my new obsesses, DSLR. and many many more stuff ..
Today, i went to mid valley for my hair cut, bought a lens hood for my dslr, go to my grandma hse with mom to hv a chat with grandma...
Next year, booked schedule would be
7/1/10 - go around many place to help my sister shoot her wedding picture/ or shud say album. she got her own photographer, i just the 1 who shooting the photo for "The Making of Wedding" aka 幕后花絮 in chinese.
13~20/2/10 - go to australia on CNY and take picture around.
28/5/10 - Take photo for my sister wedding dinner.
Say Goodbye to 2oo9 and say Welcome with 2o1o!
alright, its 2 more hour before 2009 ends.......
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