Thursday, December 31, 2009

31/12/2009....Goodbye 2009, Welcome 2010

Here comes the last day of 2009, and we need to say goodbye to year 2009 and say welcome and hello to year 2010.

365days that i've been through.. like just a flip of eye and like a dream, countless of happy and sad thing, countless of happy and sad moments, countless of happy and sad memories .. =.= (blur zor)

I still rmb some of my friend say my attitude like the syaoran in an anime, i started and din't change the link before, bcoz this is Syaoran with all his all the memories that Syaoran have been through the year. So that when the days past I can refer back to those post and recall my happens that in my life. (short-term memory lost are not cool at all) T.T

In the beginning of 2oo9, actually is since after my SPM, I started my job in my life. Working for my dad. During that time, i've learnt many things like how to earn your own money, how to handle diff kind of people in the world, how to communicate with many diff kind & diff culture of people and many more ..

On march, i went back to my school to receive my spm result and keep Going around to ask friends' result. wait for form 5 bm teacher to finish her class and go out to "yum cha" together

And also my best friend for form 4 and 5, after spm result, he is the only one i keep in touch, we go to the edu fair at mid valley, see around. peeking around to see beauties.

March 23 2oo9, my first day of college in APIIT/UCTI. I was all alone sitting in the student service until the staff bring me up to audi, and i saw my school friend, ka wai. he is the only 1 i know there then slowly the next day and the days goes by.. im in the T1, knowing the group of people.. joined arc at the same day of ice breaking. after joined arc, we went for lunch together, we gone crazy for the event preparation(like stay back at college and work until 5am). During the sem2, i've become the security for MCN night & and be both usherer and PR ppl that chat with ppl around the bar in AYG night.. Go back to college in holiday to help packing the goodies bag for the edu fair, doing fileling, data entry, and prepare greeting cards.

Not forget during the crazy moment in college, i've joined student service as a Student Helper, i've also organize the merdeka events in college with christopher and help like crazy ppl in event like MCN, AYG, Biz Buzz Week ..

And also i first time whack by my dad since i still in primary, bcoz of my careless word that shout to my dad. (bcoz that time im really in an angry and bad mood)

Ask for a 1000D from my parents and they say no to me, and thx to my big sister that most sayang me, and also his photography friend for buying me the camera, my wish of this year christmas really came true at last ..... XD

Here comes to the end of the year ..

atleast, im not gonna feel regret for everything throught out the year.. if i was wrong before that, say good bye to it and start a new me with good attitude...

I also bought many things in the year, Full Set of Twilight Saga Hard Cover, my laptop bcoz of study needs, shirt & slack & shoes & blazer for study purpose also, not forget my new obsesses, DSLR. and many many more stuff ..

Today, i went to mid valley for my hair cut, bought a lens hood for my dslr, go to my grandma hse with mom to hv a chat with grandma...

Next year, booked schedule would be

7/1/10 - go around many place to help my sister shoot her wedding picture/ or shud say album. she got her own photographer, i just the 1 who shooting the photo for "The Making of Wedding" aka 幕后花絮 in chinese.

13~20/2/10 - go to australia on CNY and take picture around.

28/5/10 - Take photo for my sister wedding dinner.

Say Goodbye to 2oo9 and say Welcome with 2o1o!

alright, its 2 more hour before 2009 ends.......

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Christmas Present

This year Christmas, i din't receive any gifts from my parents, when they promise to get me a present if my College studies din fail and get some HD, and i got it, but the nswer from them is, i not good enought for them.

Thanks to my sister, since she is the only one in the house that know me most, understant me most. and also the 1 that most sayang me. She bought me the Eos 1000D i wish for and tell me that i can pay back her slowly when i get my salary of working at college. Thanks Sis. i promise u, i will take good photo for ur wedding, and house warming with the DSLR u bought me.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The sad day of my life in 2009

This is the first time i ever wish for a Christmas Present, since the last time i ask for 1 from my mom when i was at standard 1 aka 7 years old..... time flies lah....

when i ask my mom whether i can own a DSLR, she ask me what brand is it, what model, and how much? then i tell her is Canon Eos 1000D/Rebel Xs, a entry level DSLR, cost almost RM 1900 ~ 2120. her face changed and the only thing she said is "Cannot!!".

Swt la, if she want to say cannot, just say it early la.....

After that, she ask me why buy those expensive camera, use sister 1 la, aiyo, my sister so kiamsiap sure wont borrow 1 la, and mom!, u shud know that i always like to shooting around, a normal auto camera cannot feed my photoshooting hunger. i need and DSLR to shoot those photos that can feed my hunger of photo beauty!!!!

lmao, it year end now, and this is the only wishes i wish for my christmas after my standard 1, its 12 years already since u last time buy me a puzzle. why bro ask for ps, laptop, u sure say ok to him? his study no need some much pc aid. those thing total together is already can buy 3 of the camera i ask for!!!!!! this is so unfair, sometimes i really think is it that i really your son, why u only care about him and doesnt care about my feeling. or u only look up on those account professional and look down on my kind of IT professional. I want to tell u, if without we IT professional, u now still need paper and pen to do all the work, if without IT u now still using drawing to get picture!!!! we IT professional is very important for human technology!!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My christmas wish

My wish of present to get on this year christmas is an DSLR, hope that my parents would buy me a DSLR. the camera i wish to get are Canon Eos 1000D

below are some picture i get from the review/website.....

Dad, i hope that u and mom can buy me this camera for my christmas, i promise i will keep it good care..... and i will also shoot many good photo...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Discover the Power of Pitera™ this Christmas

How important is our skin? How much do you pamper your skin? If no, here’s your chance to shower some love on your skin.

We bet everyone knows what Pitera™ is these days. Of course, we’re talking about SK-II, the #1 prestige skincare brand in Malaysia!*

SK-II has been around for almost 30 years, touching the lives of millions of women around the world by giving them the miracle rebirth of skin and soul. Do you know the story behind SK-II? Let us share with you today.
Long time ago there was a sake brewery in Japan. The brewery had elderly workers who have dedicated a good number of years of their lives working in the brewery. As age has definitely caught up with them, they had wrinkled faces. However, their hands are extraordinarily soft and youthful as they were in constant contact with the sake fermentation process. Scientists discovered that and took years of research to isolate the miracle ingredient which is Pitera™, a naturally-derived liquid from the yeast fermentation process.

Ever since then, SK-II with Pitera™ has been the secret shared by various celebrities such as Cate Blanchett, Lee Sinje and women all around the world.

This Christmas, SK-II has come up with seven unique Christmas sets that will bring a powerful new transformation for your skin.

Whether you are looking for a basic skincare regimen or skincare that addresses specific skin concerns, SK-II’s unique coffrets offer you the opportunity to discover and experience Pitera™, the miracle ingredient at the heart of the leading prestige skincare brand.

Presented in an exquisite leather case, each set consists of SK-II’s star product – the acclaimed Facial Treatment Essence – that has been a faithful companion of women all around the world. First launched in 1980, Facial Treatment Essence containing more than 90 per cent Pitera™, has given women the miracle of crystal clear skin for the last 30 years.

Be it as a personal pampering treat after a year of hard work or as a festive gift for a loved one, the SK-II coffrets are your perfect choice for a memorable Christmas gift.

If you can’t decide which set to get, you may even opt to customize your gift set with Set 7: SK-II Pitera Choices Set, which allows you to customize your set with 3 full-size products of your choice and enjoy the free gifts with your purchase!

Experience the power of Pitera™ with one of seven SK-II Christmas coffrets today! For more information for this promotion, check out . Love and pamper your skin today, because a radiant skin is the best asset for a lady.

What are you waiting for? go and buy 1 set for your love one. (your mom, Girlfriend, or Wife)

* Based on 2008 market analysis (department stores RM sales) by the Association of Perfumes and Cosmetics Distributors.”

p/s: this promotion article is get from nuffnang "recent activity" post

Miss Tourism International 2009 Wprld Final is at Malaysia on New Years Eve

Miss tourism International 2009 World Final is here in Malaysia!

Organized by D’Touch International Sdn Bhd, they have picked “Colours of the World” as the theme for the Miss Tourism International 2009 World Final show, which will showcase the delegates’ colourful representations of their respective countries in their own innovative and creative ways. Forty-five countries have been invited to take part in the World Final, which will be held in conjunction with a Special New Years Eve Countdown Party!

The finale will definitely be the Miss Tourism International 2009 World Final happening on;

Date : 31 Dec 2009
Time : 7.30pm
Venue : Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Grand Ballroom

On New Year’s Eve, the Miss Tourism International will be crowned in front of 1,500 guests in the grand ballroom. Expect a sumptuous 8-course Chinese dinner to be served during the evening with various performances by the delegates.

The Miss Tourism International 2009 World Final is an exclusive event for invited guests and those who made reservations only. For tickets reservation, kindly contact Ms Esther Lim at 012 318 7333 or Ms Ivin Low at 012 210 2640 for further details.

p/s : news is get from nuffnang website

Friday, December 18, 2009


Watched Avatar with college friend at GSC Signature today at Garden, it was really a good movie, i love it, I still love twilight the most..... lol.

Alright, since this post is Avatar, i will just talk about what i think of it and some detail about the movie.

The sypnosis of avatar is : AVATAR takes us to a spectacular world beyond imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on an epic adventure, ultimately fighting to save the alien world he has learned to call home. James Cameron, the Oscar-winning director of “Titanic,” first conceived the film 15 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not yet exist. Now, after four years of production, AVATAR, a live action film with a new generation of special effects, delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story.

Avatar is set during the 22nd century on a small moon called Pandora, which orbits a gas giant, and is inhabited by the tribal Na’vi, ten foot blue humanoids that are peaceful unless attacked. Humans cannot breathe Pandoran air, so they genetically engineer human/Na’vi hybrids known as Avatars that can be controlled via a mental link. A paralyzed Marine named Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) volunteers to exist as an Avatar on Pandora, falling in love with a Na’vi princess and becoming caught up in the conflict between her people and the human military that is consuming their world.

AVATAR is set to be one of the most anticipated movies this year. Expect a movie filled with actions, emotions and love as director James Cameron brings to live Pandora to you.

Here below a few pictures of James Cameron's Avatar:
(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

UCTI Apreaciation Dinner 2009

Went to Apiit/UCTI apreciation dinner just now at 6.30pm with Arc member at Bread & Olives Restaurant, Ampang look out point. we ride the bus provided by the organizer. we reach there at about 7.30pm, the bus only can go until the entrance of the look out pooint only, so we need to walk all the way up the hill to reach the restaurant.

Here i some of the picture of the food and also some picture taken by my friend.

The Food and Drinks~~~

The photo shooting around~~~

the ending hug

Abang Logistic

Mr. Jerry (Ms. Jerry on that night)

Beast biting hand

The KL night-view from the hill

The Chicken lover

Arc member of 2008/09

The Birthday Girl of the Day

The Sweet Couple

The ending Group photo ~~~ Arc 08/09

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My plan for Jan 2010 (Semester 3)

Hello everybody, my plan for my Semester 3 that will start at January 2010 are:

  • Join the force of Student Service (Reason, im too active & i need something to do when i having a 3 hours break)
  • Continue joining Student ARC
  • Focus full into my last 3 subject of Diploma part 1 (Internet Application, Business management, Computer Technology)
I will start my new life on a new year and on a new Semester!!!

alright, i stop here, bcoz time to go work (holiday part time job). chiao

Monday, December 14, 2009

MS Result came out

Today, after i saw jie yi blog saying that MS aka so called "History" Malaysia Studies result have came out, i go and check....

Wow, i get an pass, my history since secondary school never pass.... cool... no need resit exam and retake module... so happy..... but also sad, because jie yi get an F+, i tot that she will get like A+ or B+ at least......

all right, i write till he only and time to go bed, sayonara...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Exam End... 3Week break

today is the last exam paper, Information system.... expecting it to be hard, but when goes in the exam hall, sit down, read the question paper, and... yahoo..... the exam question all i know.... very easy.... can aim it that i strike 70% ++ bcoz got 3 subjective question i write the define terbalik... T.T marks fly away... my High Distiction.... looks like we need to say good bye.....

Anyway, exam over, and holiday come... need to do exercise every day for 3 week. i want to burn away my fats.

Thats all for my blog tonight..... tata

Thursday, December 10, 2009

201314 愛你一生一世

如果2012年火山沒噴,地沒裂,樓沒倒,家沒淹,你還在,他還愛,請在2013年1月4日結婚吧.因為這是千載難逢的201314愛你一生一世 如果你真心Love一個人,請把這條信息轉給17個朋友,也包括我!如果有3個人回,你的愿望將在12.25日紫色圣誕節實現!不準不發(不要小氣),因為我要你幸福!

Remark: get from Jie Yi Pinkabell through msn

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pikom PC Fair 2009

Go to Pikom PC Fair today with friends and my bro, take some photo with camera, buyed a Sensonic Laser wireless mouse, a Usb Hub, a Razer Imperator Gaming mouse, and a Razer Lycosa Gaming Keyboard. and causing me bankrap C.

Below are the picture i take and picture i get from friend....

Remark: Overall Picture are get from friends (special thanks to Lawrence,Eric, etc.)