i had live for 6 year soulless.... i shud be dead 6 year ago..... why u guys wanna save my life????!!!! im just a human body without the soul~~~
everytime u guys need help, will only look for me, when u don need me, i will just be abandon aside..... like how you guys had abandon my soul.
am i really the son of you guys? or i just a child that u guys pick-up from the wrong baby bed in the hospital?
there are many thing that i different from you guys, i don have the blood group like the others that got the "B" from you guys. i doesnt have any place on my body look identical to you.
everytime they need help in "money" you guys will give ur life for helping them that the price can go until few hundred K, when i just ask for 2 k to buy something i need for my study. you guys keep "gang bang" me.
then later when i get bad result in exam.... u guys gang bang me again...... its not like i don want to get good result..... but that its not that easy to get good result like u think..... and u say i din study well? damn u far far kao kao lah!!!! when i study that time, u 2 sleeping on the bed like dead pig.........
Don come talk crap when you doesnt have any latest knowledge about the latest technology..... i more know well of those system than u guys...........
if i really not ur son, then don save me from 6 year ago...... why u wanna save my life then make me suffer my life so suffer until torture my soul so bad..... you making me into soulless GHOST. don blame me when u face any bad thing.... since GHOST are HEARTLESS.......
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