Sunday, July 11, 2010

Spain for the winner....

2 ++ more hour, it will be the final for the FIFA world cup 2010.... Final!!

although i din really watch all the previous matches, but sure i following the final.

Who you guys on for tonight? im on Spain.

sure many ppl know about "Paul" the octopus, there had been many rumor ppl says want to fry, brew, shashimi, cook, and even bbq "him"...... and bcoz of this rumor, spain had send ppl to protect "Paul" - i read that in newspaper..... XD

anyway, im sure that many mamak now is fully seated. and waiting for the final.... but im not 1 of them, i stay at home, watching with my merlot, snacks, fruits, etc..... XD unlimited supply.... that can support me for whole mid night.....