Saturday, July 24, 2010


today i tried making 卤水 for cooking 卤水花肉 and 卤水花生.... and cook some porridge for lunch.

i will tell the ingredients needed and the step of making it here



生抽1汤匙(15ml)、老抽1汤匙(15ml)、盐适量、冰糖适量 、带皮肥猪肉1小块










Alright, i will stop writing here. and sorry that i forgot to take photo for the
steps and complete item... (>o<) P/s: please clip on my ads... thank you very muchy...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

World Cyber Game Competition & Exhibition @ MVEC

Went to Mid Valley Exhibition Center for the WCG 2010 yesterday after exam... if u read my previous post, i got tell about my exam today.

Alright, many ppl doesn't know wat is WCG,

The World Cyber Games (WCG) is the world's first "Cyber Game Festival", designed to build a healthy cyber culture. The best gamers around the world gather into different cities to share the excitement and fun of the game tournaments. (Credited to Roslyn Kong)

This was my first time go for WCG event, bcoz i just start my photography life last year. there is many booth in the exhibition hall... and most of them giving out freebies.... like free-installation gaming CD, posters, calendars, tissues, leaflet and key-chains.

They also having a contest for the promoter girl in the Miss WCG 2010 throughout the 3 day. people can vote for the girl they like by sms (WCG) to 33228.

Lets let the photo do the talking,

And the Winner for Miss WCG 2010 are......

The 1 with the most beautiful and sweet smile looking girl..... Natlely Goh

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Moral Exam

Went to BBJ aka Bandar Bukit Jalil where my college exam hall is located, for my Moral Studies Final Exam.....

It really takes my life for doing revision on all those thing...... Theories,Values,Religion,Coflict... etc....

i go there 9 am smth... reached there, sit outside the hall to rush my final study.... go in at 10am... come out at 11.50 am.. although the exam shud be from 10~12.30... but i finish early... then run out..... many question i don know how to answer... dead loh.... luckily my lecturer tell me my incourse is 47.... means my exam get 10 marks i also can pass dy. but somehow i wishmy exam ownself can pass also loh.... XD

alright, i stop here, gonna go WCG 2010 at MVEC.... will post about it later tonight or few days later.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Spain for the winner....

2 ++ more hour, it will be the final for the FIFA world cup 2010.... Final!!

although i din really watch all the previous matches, but sure i following the final.

Who you guys on for tonight? im on Spain.

sure many ppl know about "Paul" the octopus, there had been many rumor ppl says want to fry, brew, shashimi, cook, and even bbq "him"...... and bcoz of this rumor, spain had send ppl to protect "Paul" - i read that in newspaper..... XD

anyway, im sure that many mamak now is fully seated. and waiting for the final.... but im not 1 of them, i stay at home, watching with my merlot, snacks, fruits, etc..... XD unlimited supply.... that can support me for whole mid night.....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Family Day 8 july

Went to kuchai entrepreneurs park to have breakfast with parents , sister and brother-in-law.

let the photo do the talking on food.... Dim Sum~~

Siew Yok and Cha Siew

Cha Siew Pao

Ji Ma Zhou

Ha Gao (Prawn Dumpling)

Fish Ball~~

Pai Kuat (Spare Rib)

Siu Maii~~

Chu Chiong Fan(Prawn)

After breakfast, we went to central to buy some groceries while me and my dad go wash car....

then back home and start to prepare for cooking the lunch.... porridge with fry mee hun and some side dish to pair with the porridge.

after lunch, i help my mom doing house work for few hours, then i go take a nap.... ZzZzZz

Then woke up about 5 smth and help my mom on preparing for the dinner..... the dish are.... seaweed lobak soup, Fry Chicken, Duck"Lap Ngap", and Vege~~ quite nice the dinner.....

After dinner, i went up to bed room and online..... XD till 1am smth.... tired dy... then sleep........ ZzZzZzZzZ

Friday, July 2, 2010

I wanna be The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

I wanna be The Sorcerer’s Apprentice because i want to learn more skill to protect both myself and my love one. because in malaysia, there is nowhere safe, crime would be happening anytime, anywhere, we won't know.

And what would i do with my new magical powers? i would use them to protect myself and my love one(as i said up there), and i would use magical power to fix the hole on the atmosphere(whatever it call) that cause global warming.... and.... ah, i will sure try my make all the money in my account to multiply its amount itself everyday and the currency from RM to AUD, then i can take out and invest them on my camera, and also get myself a set of high end desktop that have 4 LCD(at least). and i also will try and cure my mom that sayang me the most, although she scold me always, but i know she care about me.... i want to cure her leg that become so "cute" because of giving birth to me.

Alright, thats all from me. hope to get invited by nuffnang.