Tuesday, March 23, 2010

lost.... sad..... guilty

feel very unhappy and angry of myself for maing my dear angry when she was rushing for her assignment.... feel so guilty..... There's no U-turn for what have been done, but guilt was there! Regret is useless but guilt cannot be erased and without delete button.

Mistake doned: Dear ask me to help her photostat a chapter in a book. i ok and help her photostat. but when she finish her class and reach college, i told her haven finish the photostat because i wanted to see her few more time before i go back.... and i saw her face turn angry when she knows that i lie to her.... i am feel so sad and guilty for doing that....

but there is no u-turn for the mistake that had been done. now the only thing can do is wish that dear can forgive me.....

Dear, i just want you to know i always love You so much.... u must know that u are the 1 and only girl that is most important in my life.... i promise you, i will never hurt or make you angry again.


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