Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tired Day

Today.... just like normal, go to college at 8.45 am to work at marketing department from 9 ~ 10.30, then go for class... just for 30 minutes then the lecturer let us go... then i go back to marketing department to continue to work from 11am ~3 pm.... then go for the January intake Diploma/foundation Ice-Breaking (Orientation).... take a "few shots" of photo..... do untill 4pm then go for class again.... and again the class just last for 1 hour, the class shud be an 2 hour lecturing class... so dulan jor... then i go back to marketing department again to work... work till 6pm then i take taxi home since my family dumb me aside without caring about me.... fine ill dumb them aside also for the rest of my life.... bcoz i feel more happy and comfortable working with my colleague.... thats all for my tired and normal day...

Alright, here is some of the picture orientation

How tired was my body... but my mental wont be tired because i have my dear with me.