Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quit Smoking Today

Every Breath You Take Will Eventually Destroy Your Future
Smoker Make Poor Swimmers
Every Year Hundreds of Thousands of People Around the World Die From
Diseases Caused By Smoking
53000 Nonsmoker Die In A Year From Secondhand Smoke
Cigarette Smoking During Pregnancy Increases the Risk Of Low Birth Weight,
Prematurity,Spontaneous Abortion,And Perinatal Mortality In Humans,
Which has been Referred To as the Fetal Tobacco Syndrome
If u love your fren,ur family
Pls STOP smkoing
protect urslef protect ur belove

Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die.The strain of smoking effect on the body often causes years of suffering.Emphysema is an illness the slowly rots your lungs.People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again and suffer lung and heart failure

Teach them the right thing..

You are killing urself slowly when u smoke

smoke destroy our lung and all