Today is my first day of exam and also the first time after i go into a college life, today module is Numerical Skill aka (College Math's + Form 5 Add Math). when first i scared that its would be very hard as describe by the lecturer, but i feel like ding SPM Trial....... XD. so u guys should know what i mean. its damn ...........(censored) easy!!!!!
After the exam ended, i ride the college shutter bus go back to college, the driver driving skil is shyt. i think the college shud fire him or just ask him go resits his license exam. when reach college i tumpang my friend car back home since i don hv a car to drive yet. haiz why i so unlucky 1........
After reach home i get showered quickly, go out drink tea with friend + discuss about the exam having tomorrow. bla bla bla bla bla.... we sit at the mamak there from 6pm ~~~ 10pm ++ then we only go home....... reach home, bath again... since its hot outside + H1N1 floating here and there..... then sleep.......ZzZzZzZzZz (damn tired)
Today is the second day of exam, its PITS aka Practical IT Skills aka Microsoft Office certificate course aka (MCP)
its easy since i done all the 2 assignment my self, so every step and function inside my natural made Harddisck (Human Brain). i reach the exam hall early in the morning at 11 am, sice its still early and exam are at 2pm, i sleep at the study room for 1.30 hour until my buddy come, we go hv lunch together at plaza oug "大人餐厅" we hv the set lunch. after that we drove back to the exam hall and get ready to go in the exam hall. the exam start, then i start dododododododododo....... until 2.30pm, finished and i wait outside for my friend since he's the 1 that fetching me home.
today no exam. then the only thing can do is "Sleep"
today is Business Environment, its also can be called as easy, but those XXX guys keep saying its hard. sure la who call them always ponteng + playing around like a 10 years old child when they are actually 25++ wat a bunch inmature jerk.
ok, last day of exam lazy to say already, since its just combination of 10 MCQ + 15 read and answer, + 1 essay, YES its English. and it make s me feel like going back to secondary school already. coz its so easy. when the exam finish, we came out and those XXX "jerk" again say such stupid thing that its not enuf time for answering. really kanasai, almost half of our class laught, why not enuf? its too much time lo. since reading + MCQ can be done in 30 min and theres 1.30 min left for writing a essay that ony need 360 word. its so easy for everyone la.
fine already, don wan to say those guy already, i go home with friend's fetch and shower up and its relax time, i sit infront of my laptop until 5 am morning watching anime. that was so siok.....
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