Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My First Own Laptop

At last, i can hv my own laptop, p/s: its not for Gaming purpose! its for my College Study Uses. All of my friend also ask me the same question. collge where need laptop.... only Degree student need.

I can tell u... its wrong, not all course only start use laptop at degree level. for example, my course, IT. if u don't believe, u can go and ask those APIIT student. thats wat i told my friend.

But surely, i will also use it for game like CS or Dota (for release of study stress)
and there was 1 fun thing is, we can get free game disc from the school sometimes when they got it. but only under 1 Co. game. its CIB games. bcoz start from this year, our college will be having partnership with CIB. thats why we are the 1 that firstly try all the new games. (sound like we're "white mouse")

but anyway i was happy bcoz my parents pay for me and stress bcoz i need to pay them back as soon as i start working after graduate.

ok, here is my new laptop