Monday, April 27, 2009


today is just, like the same, i go to college for class. the lecturing start at 8.30 a.m. its Business Environment tutorial, me and my group doing the presentation of Economic aspect os australia. bla~ bla~ bla~ then at the end of all the presentation of today's tutorial, the lecturer anounced that the winner of today's presentation are the US group..... (Damn, this is the second time they win).
After that, me and my friend burst back to main campus and go in to class for the next lecturing, when the lecturer came in, she tell us that the first assignment given out today and ask us to go web there download the question our self.alright first assignment, its a good timing, bcoz i have been boring for very long time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My First Own Laptop

At last, i can hv my own laptop, p/s: its not for Gaming purpose! its for my College Study Uses. All of my friend also ask me the same question. collge where need laptop.... only Degree student need.

I can tell u... its wrong, not all course only start use laptop at degree level. for example, my course, IT. if u don't believe, u can go and ask those APIIT student. thats wat i told my friend.

But surely, i will also use it for game like CS or Dota (for release of study stress)
and there was 1 fun thing is, we can get free game disc from the school sometimes when they got it. but only under 1 Co. game. its CIB games. bcoz start from this year, our college will be having partnership with CIB. thats why we are the 1 that firstly try all the new games. (sound like we're "white mouse")

but anyway i was happy bcoz my parents pay for me and stress bcoz i need to pay them back as soon as i start working after graduate.

ok, here is my new laptop