Why? because i am interested in IT and APIIT was the best IT college that provide Pre-U course till Master. and they was known world-wide. their partnership include Staffordshire University - (UK), and also the University that listed in Asutralia Top 8 University, Monash University. don't bellieve? see this link "http://www.go8.edu.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=62&Itemid=130"
Today, after breakfast, i go to apiit with my dad to do the registration. i straightly get my offer letter after the registration finished and my intake was on 23 March.
when the registration was going on, the student service head, told me that at apiit, the wear are "Attire Fomal" mean's is include of short/long sleeve shirt, slack, and black leather Shoe. >.<>

so i write till here ba. Cya.
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