Tuesday, July 26, 2011



*found this at an you tube video.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Angry bird

"Yawn~~~" Good Afternoon, nothing much to blog today.

just to update u guys that i ordered a big angry bird and a set of mini angry bird for hanging in car.

will be collecting them this coming friday after college. ^^

thats all, time to out for lunch.... Bye Bye....

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Modem

Go Digital mall with my bro today after class ends.

when we reach there we go have our lunch there at the restaurant at the ground floor of the mall

the name of the restaurant is call "Tang Chao" yes, its "Tang Dynasty" XD

after we finish, we went up to the top floor "All IT" to buy the modem, we bought quite much thing.

A Modem Router, a USB Wireless Adapter, a Surge Protector

all Belkin.... we quite support it eh.... XD

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Modem Spoiled

today my dad call the TM technician come to check the internet.

result = modem spoiled dy.

thx to my brother, always don off the modem when raining. sure get strike by the thunder that i saw when i on my way home yesterday.

and result in im the one that always get scold when they is problem with internet coz the modem is in my room.

Harlo!!! i din lock my room, and im almost everyday in the week is full day at college working.

result is, i need to go buy new modem with my bro tomorrow.

thats all for today, signing off..... ZzZzZz

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No Internet!!!!!

today whole day no internet!!!! at first, i thought is those stupid TM ppl when crazy again. so i call to their hotline and start hunting them down. after they check, they say no problem with my account.

so i tell my dad about it, my dad say will call their technician come tmr.

fine with me, i use my mobile network........ although the speed sucks when use on pc.


started to focus on doing assignment. bcoz my group member keep on nagging me dy. normally is me who nag them, this time terbalik pulak..... aiks....... =.="'

Sunday, April 3, 2011

early morning trip

wake up 4 am today, fast fast brush teeth, take bath.... (damn cold man). then jump onto car..... bcoz im follow my dad back hometown to clean grave aka 扫墓. every year also i follow my dad go back. haiz..... don't know started when, it like a tradition of i will represent whole family to go with my dad. its ok for me, but this year really damn pissed off. my so called uncle came this year, with his eldest son. i really never saw a grandchild that is so lazy and LCLY look. doesnt help on anything, just sit aside playing handphone. thats ok for me, since they only will show up once a blue moon. but what i pissed off is he sit on the the grave where below is his grandparents. if he want sit, sit front part lah! don't sit on the back part where the below is the coffin, that is rude for sitting on that part. i really don know why i have such cousin, he better don let me see him again do that move, i will sure get his ass kicked.

after clean all the grave, we go to a kopitiam to eat breakfast. then we went back to my uncle's place. my dad take a short nap and i chit chat with my cousins(close one).

after my dad woke up, we when down to the town for buying some stuff that my mom requested, and go to temple to pray. after all done, we went back to KL.

my whole day gone like that..... super tired.... i fall asleep once i reach home when i sitting on bed watching video.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Priority Shopping List

Hmm, since i have been long time din blog. i will tell you guys my priority shopping list. BTW, don worry, i will start back to continue blogging ASAP. how soon? hmm, i can tell u..... like in few days time.

alright, back to my shopping list.

my priority needed item are: ~~~

- A performance 1TB HDD.

- A normal 1TB HDD like (WD Blue Carviar)

- A 500GB Ext. Hard disk

- A new PSU (bcoz my pc are under power now)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

temporaly stop blogging

to all my readers, i will be away from my blog for some time..... bcoz i need to focus on my study and also i will be busy on working.......

temporaly stop blogging

to all my readers, i will be away from my blog for some time..... bcoz i need to focus on my study and also i will be busy on working.......

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Wishlist

My 2011 Target/wishlist


-Canon Eos 60D

-Canon Eos 7D

-Canon EF 24-70mm F/2.8 L IS USM

-Canon EF 70-200mm F/2.8 L IS USM

-Canon 580EX II Speedlite

-Tamron SP 17-50mm F/2.8 VC

-Lowepro LP Pro Runner 300AW

-Manfrotto 190XPROB Pro Aluminum Tripod Black + Manfrotto 391RC2 Junior 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head with Quick Release

-Dry Box (Done)


-2x 21.5~23 inch LCD Monitor

-Ipad (2nd generation)


-Android Phone

-GPS (for my own personal usage)