Tuesday, September 28, 2010

back in blogging business

alright, i know i had long time dint update my blog..... thanks all to my assignment and my lazyness every night before sleep. XD

so, since i have the mood today, i will post some missed post in the past date.... so, stay tune..... XD

Sunday, September 26, 2010

MCN 2010

Yo..... MCN 2010 had happened last night from 7 pm ~12pm at Car park next to UCTI in TPM.......

for you guys who missed it, i would say too bad..... come next year loh..... XD sorry if i hurt ur heart..... ^.^

alright, i will post a few photo over here, but if you guys wanna see the whole album, you can go to my Facebook photo album to see the photos.

the link are as follow:

MCN 2010 - Modeling : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=635203986#!/album.php?aid=214219&id=635203986

MCN 2010 - Full day : http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=213974&id=635203986

Alright, i will stop here.... bye bye..... and enjoy.....

lastly, remember to drop by again for my new post...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


im taking an 1 day leave from blogging tomorow~~

why? im going to melaka with my family tomorow for 1 day trip.

so wont be blogging anything. see you guys on friday night.... XD

but i will still try to tweet about my trip through twitter.

i get a free domain name~~

Get a free domain name with a hosting package from Exabytes today. and busy the whole day figuring out on how to link my blog to my new domain name~~~ and finally done it....


u guys sure are wondering how i get this domain name hosting package free. i will sure share with you guys.

i joined the FB Be Cool Contest of Exabytes (MY)

You just need to meet their basic requirement then off u go to get a free domain name....

and u are on your way towards winning an Ipad. u hear me right, its IPAD

heres the poster of the contest

sound cool right? click here if u are interested to join!!

lol, i somehow promoting their contest over here.... XD

alright, nothing much to say....

Monday, September 6, 2010

MCN 2010 are BACK. and its more HUGE

MCN (Multi Cultural Night) UCTI 2010 is Coming!!!!!

This year, its Huge, its break the tradition of having inside the college at the Foyer. This year we bring it outside, u hear me right, its OUTSIDE!!!!!!! its at the carpark next to UCTI building. it will totally be like a concert thingy.... are u hype up dy? don hesitate anymore, come to the foyer today and buy the ticket.

Time - September 25 · 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Location - UCTI Car Park
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Bukit Jalil
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Theme - “Don’t be told the story, you do the telling”

RM 20 per head
Tickets available NOW at UCTI Foyer

Alright, here are some of the photo taken during MCN 2009.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

爛GAG - Doraemon

廣東出東瓜, 廣南出南瓜, 廣西出西瓜, 廣北出咩?


Btw, i get this from my FB fren page and edited abit....

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shang Ge DimSum House

Went to this newly opened shop at IOI bouvalet.... this shop although the price is abit exp.. >.<
but they focus on selling creativity..... as said on its shop name there~~

Fried Char Siew Bao

Fried Fish Cake

Seafood Porridge

Green Dragon Steam Cake (Pandan Cake)

Steam Fishball (Covers with Wantan Mee)

Bak Kut Teh "Xiao Long Bao"

"Pi Dan" meat porridge

Dragon Mustarsh Avocado
Duck meat Cheong Fun

Fresh prawn meat Cheong Fun

Honey Lemon (Hot)

Overall, their food are nice....