Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today just a normal day, holiday

FYI, today is Malaysia Independence Day (53th) Yay...

马的卡 米跌价 买铁架 埋贴喀~~~~

lol, im crazy dy....
nothing much to update.... go parent shop help out.... boring day.....

How boring?

This Boring......

alright. stop here.... nothing much to update dy..... >.<

Monday, August 2, 2010

New Sem Begins

Today is my new semester starts, from today onwards, im no longer a Diploma part 1 student, im a Diploma part 2 Student(as other people call it Advance Diploma).... Yay~~~~

alright, i also abit angry about the timetable!!!

As you see it, monday and thursday only go for 1 class. especially thursday! 1 hour only, u heard me right! 1 HOUR!!! waste my petrol lah.... why the Admin office so stupid 1. put the monday and thursday class together mah! or just put the thursday class in othr day lah.... brainless 1 lah the admin who design our timetable.....

Fine dy, talk back my first lecture class of OS aka Operating Sytem.... the lecturer keep on calling us babies~~ it make me display (=.=) face the whole 2 hour class... Halo~~ we all 19++ in the class.... we are not child or baby anymore, Uncle~ or watever u guys think we shud call him. XD

alright, i will stop here, tmr got early morning class some more..... T^T and i also felling sleepy

wish that the lecturer i gonna meet tomorow is fun or good person....