Thursday, February 25, 2010

Movie day with dear at MV

Today, after my 10.30 class, i rush back to college main building to meet up with my Dear, then we go to mv for movie, at beginning, i book the 72 tenants of prosperity. but reached there, dear say she wanna watch percy jackson & the lightning thief. then we q up to buy the ticket lo, get student price.... its 1.30 ticket... so we go oasis food court to hv lunch first....

after lunch, when first, i was planning to bring dear go and buy few pair of earring... but end up she catch me into watson to buy deodorant... coz she don like the smell of deodorant i using now (too strong). finally buy rexona men.... after pay.. its 1.20, then we go back up to cinema for our movie. its a funny movie....

after the movie ends, we then faster rush to get taxi and go back college, bcoz both of us got 4pm class. i feel happy that bcoz my dear are happy. bcoz i love her. XD

alright, i stop here.

Monday, February 22, 2010

leaving blogging aside

i will be leaving my blog aside, all bcoz of the assignment!!! the weather so scary, rain but not cool down and its making the air around more warm.... making me not enuf mood to do assignment.btw, i will try and blog about my CNY trip at perth with family when i got some free time....

bye bye.....

"sound of blog get freezing"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

last day of cow year (departure to perth)

today... morning, after woke up, i be the runner and my sister be the driver to send me around oug and puchong to help my parents buy things and do something they asked.

after that we "bai (pray)" our grandmom. then, we had lunch together at home.

when 6 smth, my sis go to the restaurant to get the "pun choi" then off we go to our mom side grandma hse to have reunion dinner together. feel abit blur blur...... first time see big aunt. after dinner, then off we go to LCCT to take the plane (air asia) to perth. the flight is at 12.50.....

alright, i stop here... need to run....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My new work station

Thx to my parent for giving me a new set of good quality table and side cabinet. i now have my own work station....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines Day Event 2010

Today is the first day of the Valentines Day Event that organize by Us, Student ARC. i go to college at 10 smth and help abit at the booth before i rush into my 1 and only 1 hour lab section of the day. after the 1 hour class, i go back down and i notice that the Male chipmunk are selling fast, i then faster buy 1 and put in my bag for giving it to my dear. after that, i go to meet with my dear to have lunch together.

After lunch, we go in to the syndicate room to copy video, since my dear say that she's not going anywhere on CNY holiday, then i copy alot video for her to watch. (hope she won't grow fungus in the cny holiday lar). and also she notice the chipmunk when i taking my laptop, so i just gif her the chipmunk earlier lo.... then only thursday that ill go in her class and gif her the flower. and she looks like love the chipmunk very much.

when the copy still on process, she ran into class for his class, after finish copy i left her ext. hdd in my bag, but din expect that her lecturer so fast let them break. and she rush back to me to get the ext. hdd. then i just do my assignment there while waiting her for class end. after her class, we walk back to college together. and her classmate tot im her secret admire... bcoz of i sticking too near her, when she tell me that at night, i really wan to laugh out loud.

Alright, here is the photo for the chipmunk i bought for my dear.