Saturday, December 27, 2008

Twilight - The Movie and Novel Series

I read about Twilight the movie which opens on 18 December 2008 and also the novels on "The Sunday Times", 23 November 2008 edition and has been quite curious and tempted to read the novels and watch the movie when it starts showing in Singapore. I usually skip horror movies or novels but the reviews on the newspaper seems to suggest that "Twilight" is not scary at all and tells a Romeo and Juliet-like tale of pretty but awkward 17 year old Bella who moves to a small town and falls in love with Edward, an astonishingly beautiful vampire. Both enter into a passionate yet dangerous relationship, where Edward agonises constantly over his urge to suck the life out of Bella. Watching the movie or reading the novels would make you rethink all the vampire myths as Stephenie Meyer's bloodsuckers can appear in sunlight, and garlic and crosses have no effect on them and they don't have fangs either.

The plot seems interesting and i tried looking for the book in the library but it is so popular among readers that i can't find a single book in the series. I found out online that the book has sold over 50 million copies worldwide since 2005. I guess i would have to either reserve the books or buy from the bookstore after i finish reading my existing library books. Twilight has been adapted into a film and it was directed by Catherine Hardwicke and stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson (acted as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2005) as protagonists Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen, respectively.

Twilight is a young adult vampire romance novel written by author Stephenie Meyer and seems to be quite popular in Singapore but strangely i have never heard about the novel before reading the article. It was originally published in hardcover in 2005 and is the first book of the Twilight series. The novel is followed by New Moon, Eclipse,and the final book in the series, Breaking Dawn which follows the adventures and love story of Bella and Edward.

When Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He even attempts to change his schedule to avoid her, leaving Bella completely puzzled about his attitude towards her. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her the local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires. Although she was inexplicably attracted to him even when she thought Edward drank human blood, she is much relieved to learn that the Cullens choose to abstain from drinking human blood, and drink animal blood instead. Edward reveals that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.

The seemingly perfect state of their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks, and James, a tracker vampire, decides that he wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens plan to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. Bella then gets a phone call from James in which he says that he has her mother, and Bella must give herself up to James at her old dance studio, to save her. She does so, and while at the dance studio, James attacks her. Edward, along with the rest of the Cullen family, rescue Bella before James can kill her. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom out of her system before it can spread and change her into a vampire. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses to let happen.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve Dinner @ Shogun Japanese Buffet Restaurant - Sunway Pyramid

Today waas Christmas Eve!!!! me and my family go to Sunway Pyramid for our X'mas eve dinner, this was my 8th time eat at shogun.... (pass few time was with friend and teacher).....
(-.-) feel boring on shogun food already......haiz.......

这里的价钱周日和假日都不一样哦, 当然周日是比较便宜的
一天里有3种价钱, 分为早餐(如果我没看错), 午餐, 午餐+晚餐
我们呢, 是去午餐+晚餐, 所以是RM48++一位成人, RM15++一位小孩(4-7岁) 然后++的东西是给10%的服务费用和5%的劳务税, 还有如果泥点了其他外加的饮料像是汽水, 米酒,烧酒(韩)和啤酒也是另外算哦!

Well. weekdays and weekend are different price, and for sure, weekdays is cheaper
3 kinds of price for one day, divide to breakfast if i'm not mistaken, lunch and lunch+dinner
For us, we went for lunch+dinner, so the price is RM48++ per adult, RM15++ per child (4-7 YRS) and the ++ item is for 10% service charge and 5% service tax, AND if u order any drinks such as soft drinks, sake, soju and beer it will be add on too !


Soup Bar

Beverages and mashed potato

Ice-cream Bar

Sushi Bar

Fruits and cakes


what we ate ?

其实食物都不错, 寿司好吃, 就其他类的还好
Well, everything is ok, sushi was good, but other dishes just so so

这里食物的种类都很多, 有日韩中英马式料理
There's several kinds of food here, Japan, Korea, Chinese, Western and Malay, u name it they have it

[Sunway Pyramid]
Located at:
LG 2.119-LG 2.120, Lower Ground Two (New Wing, next to The Chicken Rice Shop)

Tel: 03-56221831 / 03-56221832
Fax: 03-56221827

[1 Utama]
Located at:

Lot.S 335A, 2nd Floor Oval,
1-Utama Shopping Centre,
No. 1, Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama,
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Tel (Hunting Line): 603-7726 3770
Tel: 603-7726 5770 / 603-7728 0770


After having dinner with family we go home for comedy show.....

I call my friend's and teacher's out to "yum cha" at RBG Kuchai..... drink until about midnight 1.30++ we only go home ....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Having First Modified BKT with big bro after he came back from AUS

Today was the first time my bro go to "The Garden" after he came back from AUS.
we have our lunch there at purple cane restaurant.
All of it's food got put tea leaf into it to cook, including the rice(green tea rice)

To be specified, it is "KKT"(Chicken Kut Teh)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Big Brother Birthday Celebration (Ganti Balik)

Today morning 6am, me and my sister wake up early in the morning to go KLIA to fetch my big brother that just came back from AUS after his graduation. after we fetched him, we on our way home...... Swt.... we taken the wrong way.... we terpaksa to drive to kajang and u-turn back to go in the highway that link to kuchai lama...... ^.^"

after reach home, my mom ask my big bro to take some rest... then we off we go to work (open shop) me and my sister work till 4pm then "cabut lari" go home + buy birthday cake for big bro.

at 11pm we celebrate his birthday with him.....
big bro 24th Birthday.....

Thursday, December 11, 2008





最常发生的故事,是原本觉得将来会结婚的男人居然还跟其它的女人维持 很亲密的关系,但是男人赖着说:“我真正爱的是你,可是无法马上跟她分手,因为不是她的错,我需要时间让她接受。”男人要求她相信他,她也不断说服自己应 该等他,但找不到他时,会怀疑他是不是跟那女人在一起,但不论怎样,两人已无法回到原来的关系。

这种状态最惨,明明是男人劈腿,却要女人忍耐,只好忍到自己受不了 时,跟男人摊牌说:“你不跟她分手,我就跟你分手!”男人终于说:“我马上跟她分手!”或许男人真的从此和那女人分手,但就算男人和那女人分手,然后跟自 己结婚,是否就算是赢了?劈腿过的男人无法保证将来不劈腿。

或许摊牌后,男人说:“既然你这么说,那就分手!”当场可能很震惊, 但几年后,或许会觉得幸好跟那男人分手,否则苦也苦不完。但也可能他说要分手,隔了好久也没分手,然后跟自己越来越疏远,过一阵子后,传来的是他跟那女人 结婚的消息,自己悔恨万分,觉得等他分手的这段时间究竟算什么?


就像许多远距离恋爱的破绽率非常高,虽然两人都曾经不断在电话里高呼 “我爱你”,但或许那一天一方变心,另一方在电话里高呼:“我不想分手!”早知道会分手,当初对方不在身边时,多交往几个人就好了。但是,当时眼中只有他 一个人,完全不会像跟别人出去约会。若两人爱情能顺利持续时,不管距离多远都能持续,要是不顺利时,即使每天都能见面,甚至黏在一起,也会不顺利的,爱情 的答案不是那么单纯明快的,只是爱情恼人之处,也是爱情风味绝佳之处。

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yeah, atlast can go watch Bolt... (3D) Version, Good New's is i can watch together with my "Daugther", Bad New's is she bring her sister along...... i need to belanja her sister also.... >.<... fine... who call that day its her birthday......

Trip to melaka with Taekwondo AJK and Ms.Tan (6/12 - 9/12)

We tumpang Ms. Tan car to melaka ^.^ it takes 2.30 hour to reach melaka. when we reach melaka, its already 6pm evening, we go to the bus station to fetch another person first, then we have our dinner at A&W inthe bus station. after dinner, we go and look for hotel. look... look... finally we found 1, it a "motel" after we check-in and left our bag in the room, we go out and have a movie at the GSC in Mahkota Parade (Dataran Pahlawan). we watch "Doraemon" for this night, after movie its already 11m++ we go back to motel and rest..... we boy's play card for whole night, and ladies go for sleep.

Second day, we boys straight go for morning walk at the open air garden of mahkota parade. after that, we go back to hotel to wake the ladies.then we go for breakfast together. after our breakfast, we go to the A Famosa...

After Visiting the A'Famosa, we go to the 鸡场街 to walk around. We also have some Cendol there. We also have our lunch inside the street, we eat the famous Satay Celuk there.

After walking around, the place start to rain.... we run into a gallery to see some art product while waiting for the rain to become smaller. then we go to "The Jetty" to have our dinner.

Sadly the jetty there have nothing good to eat, then we go back to place near motel there to have our dinner. at last, we decide to have our dinner at "The Newton" there.
after dinner we go shopping at the "Dataran Pahlawan" after we end our shopping session, we go to have another movie, and the movie is my favourite "Twilight". after the movie,we go back to motel and sleep + packup things.

We al woke up early in the morning bcoz we need to send 2 person to the melaka bus station. we check-out the motel at about 8am. after we send those 2 person to bus station, we go and have our breakfast at somewhere near the "butterfly park". after that, we on our way back to Kuala Lumpur.
This trip was fun, hope that next year still got chance to go for trip again with them. ^.^